Top 10 Deadliest Animals
According to LiveScience the top 10 deadliest animals...
10. Poison Dart Frog - Each frog produces enough of the toxin to kill 10 humans.
9. Cape Buffalo - When faced with a predator, cape buffaloes charge head on. That's 1,500 pounds of beast topped off with two big, sharp horns.
8. Polar Bear - Get between one and its cub and it could easily rip off your head with one swipe of its giant paw.
7. Elephant - They kill more than 500 people a year worldwide.
6. Australian Saltwater Crocodile - In the blink of an eye, it'll lunge at prey, pulling it under water to drown and dismember.
5. African Lion - These big cats are near perfect hunters.
4. Great White Shark - Blood in the water can excite these sharks into a feeding frenzy, where they'll use all 3,000 of their teeth to bite anything that moves.
3. Australian Box Jellyfish - This salad-bowl sized jellyfish can have up to 60 tentacles each 15 feet long. Each tentacle has 5,000 stinging cells and enough toxin to kill 60 humans.
2. Asian Cobra - responsible for the largest chunk of 50,000 deaths by snakebite a year.
1. Mosquito
- responsible for the deaths of more than two million people a year.
10. Poison Dart Frog - Each frog produces enough of the toxin to kill 10 humans.
9. Cape Buffalo - When faced with a predator, cape buffaloes charge head on. That's 1,500 pounds of beast topped off with two big, sharp horns.
8. Polar Bear - Get between one and its cub and it could easily rip off your head with one swipe of its giant paw.
7. Elephant - They kill more than 500 people a year worldwide.
6. Australian Saltwater Crocodile - In the blink of an eye, it'll lunge at prey, pulling it under water to drown and dismember.
5. African Lion - These big cats are near perfect hunters.
4. Great White Shark - Blood in the water can excite these sharks into a feeding frenzy, where they'll use all 3,000 of their teeth to bite anything that moves.
3. Australian Box Jellyfish - This salad-bowl sized jellyfish can have up to 60 tentacles each 15 feet long. Each tentacle has 5,000 stinging cells and enough toxin to kill 60 humans.
2. Asian Cobra - responsible for the largest chunk of 50,000 deaths by snakebite a year.
1. Mosquito
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