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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Leadership From the Ultimate Leader

He was born in a stable and lived only 33 years, yet he divided the calendar and changed the world.

“For many, Jesus of Nazareth became a leader among leaders because he never lost sight of his mission. He sparked a flame of hope and renewal, and provided leadership lessons we can all learn from,” Laurie Beth Jones wrote in Jesus CEO.

After more than 2,000 years, he's still viewed by much of the world as a leader for the ages. Here's why:

* He gave people a vision larger than themselves. We all hunger to be something larger or better than we are. Leaders tap into that need and give people the vision to achieve greatness.

“Jesus clearly and consistently conveyed to his staff (his disciples) the significance of what they were doing. He spoke long and often about the calling, and they could feel and see the long-lasting benefits of their work with him. They were changing people's lives for the good,” Jones said. They were working for something beyond themselves.

* He was bold. He didn't spend hours choosing the safest approach. He never led by committee. He didn't get permission to make a statement. Every action he took made a statement about his mission.

* “He walked into the temple as a 12-year-old and started teaching. He stormed into the temple as an adult and turned things upside down,” Jones said. “He called a spade a spade and apologized to no one - not out of arrogance, but out of boldness and clarity.”

* He did the difficult things. Doing the difficult thing means not letting public opinion sway you from what your heart, gut, spirit, or instinct is telling you. It means staying connected with your inner self.

“Peter warned Jesus against going to Jerusalem. Jesus was aware of the danger, and went anyway. He knew it was part of a larger plan,” Jones said. “He went to Jerusalem knowing the consequences.”

* He was visible. He proclaimed his message everywhere he could. He spoke in synagogues, streets and gardens, on mountaintops and in the countryside. He identified himself with his message.

* He refused to consider failure. “He was able to take the hit and keep on going,” Jones said. “People and circumstances can't keep you down unless you let them.”

* He was a turnaround specialist. He tried to change for the better every situation he encountered. When he saw a need, he wasted no time in filling it. Often, he anticipated a need before others even knew it existed, and set himself on a path to meet that need.

* He came to give us a new mind-set – one that has a turnaround mentality. “We are each called to be turnaround specialists, for ourselves and those around us,” Jones said.

* He looked for the best in others. Jesus saw greatness in the most flawed of men and women. “Yes, Peter. You denied me. But you will be my rock,” Jesus said.

“Yes, Mary (Magdalene), you've had men who weren't your husband. But you are capable of devoted love.”

* He forgave. He saw mistakes as lessons. He gave hope and a spirit of peace to people overwhelmed by life. “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden,” Jesus said, and I will give you rest.

– Cord Cooper

(Quoted from Investor's Business Daily, December 24, 2001.)



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