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Friday, September 12, 2008

Your Weight Loss Advantage!

by Julie Upton, RD (Adapted)

Your body burns more calories digesting ice cold beverages and foods
Different studies have suggested that five or six ice cold glasses of water could help you burn about 10 extra calories a day equaling about 1 pound of nearly effortless weight loss each year.

Drinking the right amount of water can help you burn more calories.
All of your body's chemical reactions, including your metabolism, depend on water. If you are dehydrated, you may be burning up to 2% fewer.

Dieting drops your resting metabolic rate, making it harder to keep weight off.
For every pound you lose, your resting metabolism drops by about 2 to 10 calories a day. Therefore, to lose 10 pounds, you now have to eat 20 to 100 fewer calories to maintain your trimmer physique, not factoring in exercise. One way to lose fat and maintain muscle is by reducing calories and increasing aerobic and resistance exercise.

Hot foods will fire up metabolism.
Capsaicin, the bioactive compound that makes chile peppers exude heat, can turn your metabolism up a notch while also enhancing satiety and reducing hunger. Studies show that eating about 1 tablespoon of chopped red or green chile pepper, which is equal to 30 mg of capsaicin, resulted in up to a temporary 23% boost in metabolism.

Eating more protein will rev up your metabolism.
Protein provides a metabolic advantage compared with fat or carbohydrates because your body uses more energy to process it. This is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). Studies show that you may burn up to twice as many calories digesting protein as carbohydrates.

Eating a grapefruit before every meal speeds metabolism.
Grapefruit won't work miracles for your metabolism, but it can help you lose weight. Half a grapefruit before meals helped individuals lose about 4 pounds in 12 weeks. Its fiber and water fill you up on fewer calories, so you eat less at your next meal.

Lifting weights boosts your metabolism more than a cardio workout.
When you strength train enough to add 3 pounds of muscle, you increase your calorie burn by 6 to 8% meaning that you burn about 100 extra calories every day. Aerobic exercise, on the other hand, doesn't significantly increase your body's lean muscle mass. Strength train includes squats, push-ups, and any exercise that combines upper and lower body movements.

Celery is a "negative calorie food" because digesting it uses up more calories than it provides.
The thermic effect of food does cause your body to burn up calories as it processes meals, snacks, and beverages. But this process accounts for anywhere from 0 to 30% of the calories you eat (protein, for example, takes more calories to digest than fat or carbohydrates. Celery has phthalides; compounds that can help reduce blood pressure.

Tea revs your natural calorie burn
Catechins found in green and oolong teas can boost the body's fat burning fire. One study of Japanese women compared the effects of drinking green tea, oolong tea, or water on various days. Just one large cup of oolong tea increased calorie burning by up to 10%, a boost that peaked 1 1/2 hours later. Green tea raised metabolism by 4% for 1 1/2 hours. Other studies show that drinking two to four cups of green or oolong daily (about 375 to 675 mg of catechins) may translate into an extra 50 calories burned each day about 5 pounds' worth in a year.

PMS cravings are related to the boost in metabolism before your period.
If there is a silver lining to PMS, it's that our resting metabolic rate may increase during the part of the menstrual cycle known as the luteal phase (the day after ovulation to the first day of your period). The metabolic boost we get from being "hormonal" can equal as much as 300 calories a day, which is why our appetite increases during this phase.

If you have limited time, exercise at a higher intensity for a metabolic afterburn.
People who exercise at very high intensities experience a post-exercise boost in resting metabolic rate that is larger and lasts longer compared with those who work out at a low or moderate level. Up the effort of your workout and you can expect to burn at least 10% of the total calories used during the workout in the hour or so after exercising. So, if you do a combo of walking and jogging for 4 miles (about 400 calories) instead of just walking, you may burn an extra 40 calories in the next few hours. Infuse your workout with bursts of speed. Gradually work your way up to 2-minute intervals, 3 days a week.



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