Most Prestigious Occupations
According to Harris Interactive, the 2007 poll measured the American public perceptions of 23 professions.
These professions as having:-
'Very great prestige'
'Considerable prestige'
'Some prestige'
'Hardly any prestige at all'
'Not ranked'
'Not sure'
The most prestigious occupation on the list:
61% of adults consider Firefighters
54% of adults consider Scientists and Teachers
52% of adults consider Doctors and Military Officers &
Half of the adults polled consider the Nurses
For a fuller report by Kate Lorenz, among the least prestigious occupations...

Fire Fighter
"No task is so humble that it does not offer an outlet for individuality." William Feather
These professions as having:-
'Very great prestige'
'Considerable prestige'
'Some prestige'
'Hardly any prestige at all'
'Not ranked'
'Not sure'
The most prestigious occupation on the list:
61% of adults consider Firefighters
54% of adults consider Scientists and Teachers
52% of adults consider Doctors and Military Officers &
Half of the adults polled consider the Nurses
For a fuller report by Kate Lorenz, among the least prestigious occupations...

"No task is so humble that it does not offer an outlet for individuality." William Feather
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